We partner with great companies to positively transform the future.

We are leading credit management specialists rooted in Scandinavian culture. We provide credit alternatives through innovative solutions for our clients’ unique needs.


We succeed when our investments generate positive change and financial value.

Value creation in our investment portfolios is driven by a rigorous bottom-up, team-focused investment process established in 1999. It is our belief that fundamental research and a well-designed process lead to superior long-term performance for us, our investors, and the companies we partner with.

Torben and Sandro walking and talking in a hallway.

Uncovering the best opportunities

We manage credit strategies across high yield bonds, leveraged loans, multi-asset credit, structured credit and private debt predominantly on behalf of institutional investors.


We build partnerships for the future.

We believe in the power and collective intelligence of the team. Our culture fosters openness, an equality of ideas and a dedication to the pursuit of objectivity.

Focus Areas from the Sustainability Report 2023

Creating awareness about net zero targets

A key focus area is to heighten awareness of our net zero targets. Utilizing our investor position to engage with issuers and stakeholders, we are committed to fostering knowledge sharing and collective action for our sustainability goals. Active engagement in dialogues and collaborations will aid in the understanding and adoption of net zero targets. Read more on page 13.

Enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion

We recognize the value of diverse representation in creating a robust organization, and we are integrating these principles further into our operations. Read more on page 27.

Improving disclosure and transparency efforts

Building on previous efforts, we are improving our disclosure and transparency activities, focusing especially on the intensive collection of Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) data from our investee companies. Given many borrowers are in early sustainability reporting stages, Capital Four actively engages with them to discuss materiality and promote transparency. Read more on page 12.

Engagement processes

We are continuing to improve our tracking and recording of engagement activities and combine them with the ESG data that Capital Four has diligently worked to improve.


Responsibility is in our DNA and has been at the heart of Capital Four since day one.

A sustainable and responsible mindset are embedded in the way we operate throughout our business. It ensures our positive impact as an organization. We are committed to consistent ESG integration in our investment process, which enables us to identify the associated risks and uncover opportunities.

We support the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative and The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption and we are a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).

Capital Four pays membership fees to UN Global Compact, UN PRI, SASB Inside and European Leveraged Finance Association

Passion and persistence are traits we share as individuals at Capital Four. Together, we form a powerful team - an alliance - dedicated to making plentiful results.

Working at Capital Four

We founded Capital Four as a small partnership with big ambitions. Together, we focus on delivering the best solutions and strong performance to our clients through a structured, repeatable investment process.

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