Mountains in snow

At Capital Four we are committed to responsible investing.

Focus Areas from the Sustainability Report

Creating awareness about net zero targets

A key focus area is to heighten awareness of our net zero targets. Utilizing our investor position to engage with issuers and stakeholders, we are committed to fostering knowledge sharing and collective action for our sustainability goals. Active engagement in dialogues and collaborations will aid in the understanding and adoption of net zero targets. Read more on page 13.

Enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion

We recognize the value of diverse representation in creating a robust organization, and we are integrating these principles further into our operations. Read more on page 27.

Improving disclosure and transparency efforts

Building on previous efforts, we are improving our disclosure and transparency activities, focusing especially on the intensive collection of Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) data from our investee companies. Given many borrowers are in early sustainability reporting stages, Capital Four actively engages with them to discuss materiality and promote transparency. Read more on page 12.

Engagement processes

We are continuing to improve our tracking and recording of engagement activities and combine them with the ESG data that Capital Four has diligently worked to improve.

Our views and values

Our views and values

We believe one of the key factors for the long term success of Capital Four as a leading investment manager in the global financial market relies on our ability to continue to successfully assess sustainability risks as part of our investment process.


Our view on responsible investing defines the investment universe we operate in. We focus on investments that contribute to long-term financial value creation while avoiding investments that we believe has an unsustainable effect on society.


We are committed to supporting The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, and we are a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), and of the Net Zero Asset Manager initiative (NZAM).

Our investment process is driven by bottom-up fundamental research analysis which fully integrates sustainability risk and opportunities.

Sustainability risk is assessed through our proprietary ESG scoring framework supported by non-financial data and combined with the expertise of our research team. We do not invest when either a sub-score or a total ESG score is below our minimum requirement.

We have a dedicated ESG Committee comprising professionals from across the organization who are tasked with ensuring that we stay at the forefront of responsible investment practices and developments.

Capital Four pays membership fees to UN Global Compact, UN PRI, and European Leveraged Finance Association
Sustainability related disclosures

We provide transparency on how we integrate sustainability considerations, including sustainability risks and consideration of principal adverse sustainability impacts, into our investment process.


We are a team of exceptional people
helping each other deliver maximum
value for our clients and partners.

It comes from the world of sports: team. Defined as a group of people forming one side in a competitive sport, a team's success depends on the ability to play, perform, and work together. Hence, teamwork makes the dream work, which is very true at Capital Four.

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