CBS Capital Four Credit Day 2024 - Summary


Together with the Center for Big Data in Finance (BIGFI) at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Capital Four had the pleasure of welcoming an audience of 200+ for the third, annual Credit Day. The program aimed at providing a day full of insights across Credit. The speakers and audience spanned world-class academics, sophisticated investors, and leading practitioners.

BIGFI and CBS Professor Jens Dick-Nielsen and Sandro Näf, CEO and co-founder of Capital Four, kicked off the conference with a warm welcome to all. The day featured a series of engaging speakers from academia and industry talking about corporate bond factors, machine learning in bond returns predictions, implementable corporate bond portfolios, and how private equity fuels non-bank lending and investing amid low expected returns. It also included insightful panel discussions on challenges on a portfolio level (higher interest rates, digitalization, ESG and other factors), and how alternatives can support portfolio objectives. The Credit Day ended with a look forward via a session on how AI is shaping the financial landscape as well as a view back on the impressive career - and personal reflections - from Allan Polack.

We would like to thank all speakers for their insightful contributions and all attendees for their active participation and engagement throughout the day. We look forward to another exciting Credit Day on Wednesday 21 May 2025.